Over the last two days, I had the privilege of attending the 9Marks conference on Conversion, with the added advantage of it being hosted here on campus at MBTS. Here are my 9 takeaways from the conference:

1. You are not Alone! – It was wonderful to see the range of Pastors in attendance. From those who had been serving for 1 month, to those who have been Pastors for over 50 years. You never serve alone, rather you serve side by side with others!

2. Preach Repentance! – Dr. Allen, President of MBTS reminded us that conversion leads to church membership, but it begins with repentance. We jump too quickly to what we are saved to (heaven/fellowship) and forget to easily what we need to be saved from (repentance of our sin). Pastor, preach repentance!

3. Simple worship is Magnificent Worship! – One piano, two voices, biblically informed words and hundreds of voices led to the glorious sound of believers praising God. Don’t overcomplicate your worship!

4. Belong before you Believe is Wrong! – In a desire to grow our churches, we can quickly redefine what it means to be part of the church. Michael Lawrence taught that the reality is we belong when we believe in Christ, or we belong by believing! The Gospel is vital in conversion, in membership and in belonging. 

 5.The Wonder of Jesus! – Whether a Christian for a week, or for decades, Jared Wilson reminded us to never forget the beauty of Jesus and what He has done! He has transformed you, from death in sin, to life in Christ! There is great beauty in conversion! 

6. Empty Seats! – There were many empty seats, meaning there were many that missed out. This is not a guilt trip, but a reminder that you receive blessing, challenge, encouragement, and refreshment only when you access what is on offer. Don’t sit at home, get out and join in.

7. Panel Discussions are ok! – I mean what I write, they were ok, not great! I would rather have an extra teaching session, or more worship, or a time of prayer, than a discussion on the same topics.Sometimes reflection is better than discussion.

8. Couples are Blessed in attendance together! – It is a joy that I was able to attend the conference with Miriam. We hear and reflect differently, meaning post conference discussions bring further refreshment. If you can, attend conferences with your spouse!

9. The Gospel! – There is no conversion without the Gospel. Never tire of preaching the Gospel!

I know I said 9 takeaways, but I can’t resist a final quote (does that make it 9.5?):

Beholding Jesus makes us more like Jesus! That is the ballgame!” 

Jared Wilson